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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chad Long - Paris Lecture 1999

Chad Long - Paris Lecture 1999

Chad Long's Routines Performed and Explained On This Video:

Another Rumor:
The four aces are shown and placed face-up on the table. A card is selected and returned to the deck. We'll assume it's the king of clubs. The magician asks the spectator to name the suit of their card. The aces are fanned and the ace of clubs has turned face-down. The deck is given a shake and one card pops out of the middle...the ace of clubs! The face-down card on the table is turned over. It's the spectator's king of clubs! This king is waved over the other three aces, and they change to kings as well! I do this trick for laymen all the time. The ending takes them completely by surprise.

Magic Poker:
Produce the 4 tens, next the 4 tens are taken into the hands and the deck is left aside and they are converted into kings. Each king is now one by one magically turned over and finally the packet is turned over to reveal a royal flush.

Regarding My Pocket, Hand, The Table:
Chad has a selection made and he returns it to the center of the deck.. Next he turns over the top card and it has a message to check his pocket.. Before he checks his pocket he turns the card over and tables it. Next he reaches into his pocket to pull out another card that has a message.. saying..Check the tabled card.. As the tabled card is turned over the spectator is surprised to see that it now says, check the card in my hand... and the card that was in his pocket now has turned into the spectator's card. It's a confusing routine to describe but it packs strong...

Chad goes into detail of Daryl's finessed version of the Vernon/Marlo Tilt ** You will never do tilt the same way again. Chad also describes in detail David Williamson's Top Change.

Afterwards Chad shows Scottie York's streamlined version of the routine that is sleight free and much easier to perform if you are looking for something virtually self working.

Another Force:
Chad uses the Joker to produce 4 aces in a magical way implementing the Bilis switch. It's a great little quick production...

Rubber Band TnR:
A Torn and Restore Rubberband.

Finger Ring Production:
Very clever production of a ring on your finger.. This is good for any of you who do ring + string routines.. If you use Edge Grip in your coin work then this routine will be simple for you to learn. You can use this to open your effect..

Ring Vanish:
Using a half ring and Williamson strike vanish Chad shows you how to vanish a ring that is on your finger and have it reappear wherever you want.
As Chad shows the strike vanish he also includes the vanish of a coin and production from a pencap...

Cornelius Pen Through Anything:
Bringing you to the old classic stealth pen.

The Shuffling Lesson:
The magician shuffles the deck and gives the spectator half. They each shuffle their halves and cut them several times. Next, the magician and spector each divide their cards into four piles. The magician turns over his four top cards to reveal the four kings. The spectator turns over their four top cards to reveal the aces! This one stuns people because you don't touch their cards from beginning to end.

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