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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rune's World: The Magic of Rune Klan

Rune's World is a departure from any magic book you’ve read. Part instruction, part theory, part graphic novel, this new volume by Joshua Jay will challenge you to think in new ways, about new possibilities with your magic.

Rune Klan is the most famous magician you’ve never heard of.

An extremist in nearly every way, Rune is a walking contradiction: among magicians he has gained an international reputation as a guru of coins. Yet Rune has achieved celebrity status in his native Denmark exclusively for stand-up comedy magic.

Rune Klan is the rarest kind of magician: he is an artist working without restrictions and with little compromise. His only concern is the end result. This is the thematic element that connects Rune’s boisterous stage magic with his refined close-up. Whether his objective is to transfer a coin stack from hand to hand (Rune goes through the cracks between each finger) or how to tear and restore a porno magazine (Rune tears a bikini-clad girl’s picture to pieces, removes a real bra from the packet, and restores the pages to show the same girl nude), all of Rune’s effects have been streamlined with the effect in mind. His effects range from standard to bizarre to illegal, but the effect is always paramount to the method.

Every trick has Rune’s stamp on it.

Rune’s World explores both the close-up and parlor magic that makes Mr. Klan such a dynamic force. Part magic book and part graphic novel, this is an innovative 180-page collection unlike any other in both form and content.

Rune's World is 60 dollars plus shipping, and it comes with a FREE companion DVD (subtitled performances, interviews in English, and some tricks performed and explained that are NOT in the book). This is a huge value. Printed on low-gloss paper.

For fun, we printed a dustjacket for the book that will ONLY be available to our customers. You will not see this cover often, and we have very limited supplies. When you preorder, you are guaranteed to get the limited edition dustjacket.

We're pleased to inform you that ALL copies purchased through Vanishing Inc. will be signed by Rune Klan and Joshua Jay.

Part One
Act One | Huddle Up

* Pensive
* Impromptu Hitman
* Coin and Bottle

Act Two | Strolling Set

* Two, One and Hanging
* One Back Up
* Confusing Aces
* Full Palm Change

Act Three | Getting Down

* Coins Across Cards
* Matrio
* Three Coins, One Card
* Magic Left Its Footprint
* Coins Through Floor
* And the Other Two Follow
* Three Coins and a Purse

Act Four | Fantasy to Reality

* Fantasy to Reality
* Caged Birds
* Birds of the World

Act Five | Three Pieces of Silver

* Mirage Coins
* Born a Freak
* Tips of Trickery

Epilogue | Moves

* Sleeve Slide
* The Ouch Move

Part Two

* Appearing Opener
* Torn and Restored Tanya
* Put a Sock in It
* The Vanishing Cellphone Part 1
* Sole of the Zombie
* Vanishing Pizza
* The Boring Rope Routine
* Tampon Trickery
* Beard Book
* Sleight of Ham
* Zombie Head
* The Tax Rebate
* Say It Right
* The Vanishing Cellphone Part 2
* Dog Collar


* Soccer Opener
* All Lies
* The Music Bit
* The Good, The Bad
* Envelope Please

Illusion Show

* Illusion Opener
* Bomb Gag
* Popular Decision
* Jumbo Cups and Balls
* The Lampshade

For Only 30 USD at EMS

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